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Eurobodalla Greens launch 2021 council election campaign

Women will lead the charge for the Eurobodalla Greens at this September’s Council elections, with four candidates pledging a commitment to Council transparency and the ambitious decision making needed to future-proof the Shire.

Candidates Alice Worthington of Moruya, Nadine Hills of Akolele, Kylie Ryder of Moruya Heads and Charlie Bell of Tomakin will run on the Eurobodalla Greens ticket, with current Greens Councillor Pat McGinlay completing his service to Council at the end of the current term.

Eurobodalla Greens candidates for Council elections from L-R: Kylie Ryder,

Lead candidate Alison Worthington, Charlie Bell and Nadine Hills. Photo credit Gillianne Tedder.

Lead candidate Alison Worthington said: “This team of candidates brings the talent and capability to build on the excellent work of Councillor Pat McGinlay over the past five years”.

Ms Worthington said Greens on Council would be strongly focused on Council accountability to Shire residents and ratepayers; delivering the services and infrastructure needed to ensure vibrant and resilient communities; and prioritising environmental responsibility.

“We’ll work with Council to deliver on our ambitious goals for safe, inclusive and liveable communities on this Nature Coast that we are so proud to call home,” Ms Worthington said.

“Liveability is about connected communities. On Council we will prioritise and better fund the Pathways Strategy so that residents have access to better pedestrian and bicycle routes within and between communities. Walkability includes street plantings to shade us when we’re out and about and to reduce urban heat island effects in our warming climate. We will integrate a Eurobodalla Street Plantings Strategy with Pathways so that Active Transport is an option at all times of year.”

Ms Worthington said her team is passionate about sustainable transport and as councillors will ensure that electric vehicle charging infrastructure is in place to encourage the uptake of EV’s by our residents.

“This decade will be a time to make ambitious decisions about climate action for the wellbeing of our communities into the future. We’re looking forward to working with Council staff to enact robust climate mitigation and adaptation plans to ensure our communities are safe and resilient to the challenges of the changing climate.”

On accountability, Ms Worthington said “Unfortunately the current Council has developed a reputation for a lack of transparency in decision making. The Greens will work to create opportunities for more community input into Council’s decision making and will be repeating calls for the re-instatement of livestreaming of the Public Forum. We will prioritise honest and transparent governance of our Shire and will be accessible and accountable to our residents.”

Council elections will take place on Saturday 4th September 2021.


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