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Where we stand on Climate Change

Where do we place the problem of climate change in the priority of issues we intend to address?

As Greens we always place climate change very high up the list of priorities.

The need to reduce emissions to limit the severity of climate change is urgent. We have developed a multi-faceted approach to create a prosperous low-carbon society.

For further details please refer to the Greens NSW policy on this issue at

How are we going to extend the use of renewable energy in the Eurobodalla Shire and what is our plan for further reducing the council's carbon footprint?

Eurobodalla Greens fully support ESC Green House Action Plan that is already saving ratepayers $1M plus

Ensure that data on target reductions for greenhouse gas emissions set out in the Council Greenhouse Action Plan 2012-2017 is made available to Councillors and the community at regular intervals.

If these targets are not going to be met establish the reasons as early as possible and devise a plan to accelerate reduction in the emissions.

Rollout more solar panels on Council owned buildings.

Seek to increase the 2020 target which currently is to source 25% of electricity used by Council facilities from renewable energy to at least 50%, with a provision for further increases after that. As is NSW Greens policy for the whole state, the ultimate aim is 100% renewable energy.

Ensure residents continue to have ready access to advice on how to make their homes and businesses energy efficient.

Publicise and support the solar panel bulk purchase program currently available to the Eurobodalla Community.

Ensure Council facilitates where possible the programme to install solar panels on low income households

Continue and extend cycleways throughout the shire to promote carless journeys where feasible

The methane emissions associated with the breakdown of organic materials in landfill sites are a significant contribution to Council’s greenhouse gas emissions. Reactivate the plan to recover this methane and use it for energy generation.

Investigate a system for kerbside collection of household food since many people still do not make compost.

Will we support strong community groups promoting the ethos of sustainable living in a world of climate change?

Support SAGE, Tuross Community Garden and other community garden initiatives where possible.

Extend the total number of stalls at the Saturday Moruya market to allow for a local produce alley, thereby lowering the food miles of our fresh produce.

Work collaboratively with groups like where they will allow us contribute openly as a political party.

Do we support Eurobodalla’s current sea level rise policy? If not, what changes do you want?

The current sea level rise policy is an interim one soon to be superceded by the new coastal management reforms contained in the new Act and the forthcoming State Environment Planning Policy. These instruments reflect Ecologically Sustainable Development principles are heading in the right direction. Council is obliged to adhere to these policies. Greens will be monitoring the situation to ensure transgressions are addressed.

Should the council sell its investments in fossil fuel companies?

Absolutely. In 2015 Gabi Harding tried to begin the first steps in this direction and was roundly defeated by most other Councillors last year.

Since other Councils in NSW have been successful in this effort all that is required in Eurobodalla is agreement to divest by the majority of Councillors.

*These questions were put to all the candidates for the Local Government elections 2016 by

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