Eurobodalla Greens is a local group of The Greens NSW, a member body of The Australian Greens political party and part of the global Green movement.
Like Greens parties around the world, The Greens NSW are founded upon four pillars.
Ecological sustainability
Grassroots participatory democracy
Social justice
Peace and Non-violence
All about our 2024 local government election campaign here
We live on the lands of the Yuin Nation and acknowledge the traditional owners of this Country. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging.
Ecological Sustainability
Social and Economic Justice
Peace, Non-Violence, Disarmament
Grassroots Democracy
Australian Greens Policies
Learn more about what The Greens party as a whole are working towards here.
These policies underpin all initiatives and bills developed by our members of parliament and are reviewed every three years by the membership of the Greens in a grassroots process.
Become a member
Members have the opportunity to update Greens NSW policies at meetings held every 2 months.